Date: June 29 (Sat),-June 30 (Sun), 2019
Place: Okayama University (Tsushima Campus), Conference room, Faculty of Science
Fee: 1000YEN (500YEN for students)
Place: Via Pace (Okayama)
Fee: Actual Expenses
We reserve a few short talk slots for young scientists (10-minute talk + 5- minute discussion). The shot-talk speakers will be selected from the poster presentation applicants. If you are willing to give a talk, submit a poster presentation via the website by May 31, and check a box for “I want to give a talk”. The speakers will be informed by June 10th. Please note that a number of slots are limited.
Invited Talks
岩下靖孝(京都産業大学)Yasutaka Iwashita (Kyoto Sangyo University) Self-assembly and ordering of anisotropic colloidal particles
大貫隼(早稲田大学)Jun Ohnuki (Waseda University) Hydrophobic surface enhances electrostatic interaction in water
藤原悟(量子科学技術研究開発機構)Satoru Fujiwara (QST) Coordinated analysis of protein hydration water by neutron crystallography, small-angle scattering, and quasielastic neutron scattering
杉山正明(京都大学)Masaaki Sugiyama (Kyoto University) Neutron Scattering – tools for structure and dynamics for biomacromolecules in solution-
Enrico Carlon(KU Leuven)The influence of twist-bend coupling on the statistical mechanics of DNA
望月建爾(信州大学)Kenji Mochizuki Promotion of homogeneous ice nucleation by polyvinyl alcohol
Ryo Akiyama (Kyushu)
Kenichiro Koga (Okayama)