The 16th Mini-Symposium on Liquids 2023
Okayama University
The 50th Anniversary Hall
Tshushima-naka 1-1-1
Okayama 700-8530
10-11 June, 2023
Access from Okayama Station
10 min. by bus: Okaden Bus #47 from Okayama Station Nishiguchi to Okadai Nishimon
36 min. Walk from Okayama Station West Exit to the venue.
30 May 2023: Poster+Short Talk
2 June 2023: Poster
8 June 2023: Participation
Talks and Poster Presentation
10-11 June 2023
People interested in fundamental problems of liquids and related subjects are all welcome to attend! The series of mini-symposiums are so organized that relatively small numbers of participants and speakers can have lively, deep discussions.
June 10, Saturday
9:30-10:25 Poster Session
10:25 Opening remark
10:30 - 11:30 Session 1
Eiji Yamamoto (Keio) (30 min), Solvent-dependent protein conformational fluctuations and diffusivity
Yuki Uematsu (KIT) (15 min), Ostwald ripening of aqueous microbubble solutions
Kazuhiko Seki (AIST) (15 min), Inertial effects on diffusion controlled rate coefficient
11:40 - 12:10 Session 2
Ken Tokunaga (Kogakuin) (30 min), Molecular dynamics simulation on the validity of the Stokes-Einstein law for the diffusion of a large and heavy solute particle
12:10 - 14:00 Lunchtime
14:00 - 14:30 Session 3
Jayant K Singh (IIT Kanpur) (30 min), Understanding the Self-assembly in Polymer-Surfactant Systems Using Coarse-grained Molecular Dynamics Simulations
14:30 - 17:00 Previews and Poster Session
17:00 - 17:30 Session 4
Claudio Cerdeiriña (Vigo) (30 min), Ising Model for the Freezing Transition
June 11, Sunday
9:00 - 10:00 Session 5
Paul S Cremer (Penn State) (30 min), The Binding of Ions to Polymers in Aqueous Salt Solutions
Tuan Minh Do (Osaka) (15 min), Free energy analysis of the effect of ATP on peptide aggregation and dissolution using all-atom molecular dynamics
Stefan Hansen (Osaka) (15 min), Anion-Cation Contrast in Solute Solvation
10:20 - 12:20 Session 6
Kenji Mochizuki (Zhejiang) (30 min), Mechanisms of Melt Growth in Diverse Ice Polymorphs
Dor Ben-Amotz (Purdue) (30 min), Enhanced Chemical Reactivity on the Surface of an Aqueous Droplet
12:20 Closing remark
Invited Speakers
Jayant K Singh (IIT Kanpur, India)
Claudio Cerdeiriña (Vigo, Spain)
Kenji Mochizuki (Zhejiang, China )
Dor Ben-Amotz (Purdue, USA)
Paul S Cremer (Penn State, USA)
Ken Tokunaga (Kogakuin, Japan)
Eiji Yamamoto (Keio, Japan)
Past Events

about MSL
The first Mini-Symposium on Liquids (MSL) was held in 2007 at Okayama University. Since then MSL becomes a series of annual symposiums on liquids. The symposiums are organized by Kenichiro Koga (Okayama) and Ryo Akiyama (Kyushu) with full support from members of their research groups.