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Date: 5, July, 2014
Place: Daikaigishitsu(B122), Faculty of Science, Okayama University
Registration Fee : 1000yen (Student 500yen)
Invited Speakers
秋元 琢磨(慶応大)
池田 昌司(京都大)
宮元 展義(福岡工大)
"Swelling and exfoliation of layered materials into liquid crystalline colloids of inorganic nanosheets"
中川 尚子(茨城大)
大政 義典(関西大)
"Surface waves on complex liquids"
迫田 憲治(九州大)
Invited Speakers
T. Akimoto (Keio)
"Anomalous water dynamics near the surface of a cell membrane"
A. Ikeda (Kyoto)
"Criticality at the random close packing of spheres"
N. Miyamoto (Fukuoka Inst. of Tech.)
"Swelling and exfoliation of layered materials into liquid crystalline colloids of inorganic nanosheets"
N .Nakagawa (Ibaraki)
Y. Ohmasa(Kansai)
"Surface waves on complex liquids"
K. Sakota(Kyushu)
"Combined effects of macromolecular crowding and salt-addition on the ramdom coil-globule transition of a thermoresponsive polymer"